Medical Award for Sumi Women

Dr. Toshevi Sümi Totimi MBBS Award

4th Edition - 2021

Four women from Sumi community were conferred the Dr. Toshevi Sumi Totimi MBBS award at its 4th annual edition held on March 18 in Kohima.
The women namely, Avili Swu, Sulika Zhimomi, Vitunali L. Awomi, and Hikili Q Aye were felicitated for securing MBBS seat through NEET 2021.
Dr. Toshevi Sümi Totimi MBBS award comprises of a certificate and cash prize of Rs 2,00,000. On the occasion, Lhotoi Awomi spoke on behalf of families of the awardees. President Sumi Totimi Hoho Kohima, Piholi Swenetho, and president Sumi Hoho Kohima, Khevito Shohe spoke on behalf of their respective organisations.

Recipients of the Dr. Toshevi Sümi Totimi MBBS Award 2021

  1. Avili Swu
    – D/o P Kiyeto Swu & Zinuo Swu
    – Lazami Village
    – Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
  2. Sulika Zhimomi
    – D/o Zhevito H Sema & Chitui Z Sema
    – Ghukiye Village
    – MGM Medical College, Indore, Madhya Pradesh
  3. Vitunali L Awomi
    – D/o Y Lhotoi Awomi & Holivi
    – Rotomi Village
    – Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan, West Bengal
  4. Hikili Q Aye
    – D/o Qhehoto & Mughaholi
    – Khukiye Lukhai Village
    – Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan, West Bengal