Solidarity Student Exchange Programme [SSEP]


Solidarity Student Exchange Programme [SSEP] - Testimonials

Solidarity Student Exchange Programme 2023

Solidarity Student Exchange Programme Jointly organized by Sophia College (Autonomous) and Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation, Kohima, Nagaland


The SSEP 2023 visit to Nagaland organised by the Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation in collaboration with the KROSS College Kohima, spanned from 5th February to 12th February 2023. I, Dr. Sangeeta Dubey, would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Keditsu Foundation members who planned an elaborate and enriching itinerary which exposed us to the various facets of the rich cultural and social heritage of the beautiful state. The faculty and students of KROSS college with whom Sophia college was partnered were very warm and affectionate people. The 3-day interaction with them helped us to understand their academic processes and methods. The beautiful cultural extravaganza organized by the college gave us a glimpse of the handloom and jewelry making craft of Nagaland, the indigenous games played and music and dance of the state. The interaction with the Chairperson of the institution who was extremely kind to allow us to see around his beautiful house which was a mini museum displaying his personal collection of artefacts and conversation with him gave us an understanding of the daily lives of Naga people and their houses. The conversation on textiles of Nagaland by ‘Mekhalamma’ was an eye-opener about how the weaving of mekhela was an art passed over in family and how each style was unique and very meaningful. The visit to the green village helped us to understand the agrarian structure and farming styles followed there. The visit to Entrepreneurs Associate increased our knowledge of the economic activities undertaken by the people. It was interesting to know that organic farming and self-entrepreneurship is promoted at a large scale in the state. The visit to the Nagaland State Museum was very enriching and a learning experience about the various tribes and their lives, textiles, jewelry, household articles and weapons used by the tribes. The week-long trip was a fruitful learning experience about the simple and culturally rich lives of the Naga people about whom we hardly knew anything. At the end of the trip, I realized how important it was to protect the rich and beautiful culture of the place and its people. I also felt concerned about how important it is for the state to protect its beautiful natural beauty and clean environment and not to destroy it in the name of unsustainable development. I would like to thank the Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation for encouraging the cultural exchange program and would request them to continue with it as it is a good way of experiencing and understanding the diverse and rich cultural heritage of the state and it gives an opportunity to interact with the warm and loving people of Nagaland.
Dr. Sangeeta Dubey
Associate Professor and Head, Department of Economics, Sophia College (Autonomous)
The Student Solidarity Exchange Program 2023 was an experience that I will always hold very close to my heart. To me this exchange program went beyond the exchange of culture. It was spiritual, universal and highly introspective in many ways. When I look back at it, no alternative trip to Nagaland could've taught us what we learnt through this exchange, neither a vacation, nor a purely educational visit! This was in every way the best of both worlds. The Organization itself was very sensitive, empathetic and meticulous in the planning of the itinerary which was in fact, personalized to each of our fields of interest therefore making the exchange dynamic in nature. Be it our place of stay, our host college or the resource persons that we interacted with, I will forever be indebted to the Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation for their hard work and only hope to be able to pick up a fraction of their passion. I will never be able to think of Nagaland and not think of the "KROSians" (our host college as they call themselves - warm, humble and kind, qualities that we long to see in our hustling bustling city lives! Every session that was organized for us, be it cooking with Dr. Kennei, to an inspirational discussion with Mr. Theja and Mr. Nakhro or the heartwarming visits to the mental health institution and orphanage or the passionate discussion with Mekhalamama as well as the insightful discussions with the Economic Institutions (to name just a few) were all successful in stirring up emotions and instigating a plethora of thoughts and questions making me a more curious and therefore learned version of myself. To conclude, I take back with me a bag full of knowledge and memories. I take back with me having learnt the intricacies of culture and having unlearnt the cultural stereotypes. I take back with me a better mind and a kinder heart and I am extremely grateful to everyone who made this exchange possible for us. No words will suffice the impact of this experience on me, but I promise to carry and showcase my learnings with me and truly hope to return to Nagaland soon (hopefully during the Hornbill Festival) only to pick up some Naga Pearls of Wisdom.
Jayasmruti Parthasarathy
TYBA (Psychology and History)
The Student Solidarity Exchange Program happened while I am at the cusp of saying goodbye to my college and what better way to end my time at Sophia than to spend it with some of the loveliest people in a state that we now hold very close to our hearts. I am forever grateful to Dr. K & T Keditsu foundation for this thoughtful exchange program. On my visit to Nagaland, I had several bubble bursting epiphanies which put a lot of things into perspective about the Naga people, food and culture. The amount of information and knowledge that I carried back to Mumbai with myself is something that I wouldn't have been able to if not for this program. It exposed me to the kind and wonderful people of Nagaland whom I'll have a hard time forgetting. The itinerary was the most well thought one, ranging from mental health institute to war museum to interactions with musicians and Documentary Film makers. Throughout the trip, I've had a bunch of enriching conversations with such revered individuals that I'll always think of. We were not only exposed to the several tribes and their mekhalas in theory but also an opportunity to wear them and understand the textile history in depth. The warm welcome that we received is forever etched in my heart and for that I'd like to thank our partner college, KROS College, Dr. Kennei, Mr. Allan and the Foundation. It has been no less than an honor to visit Nagaland, challenge my own stereotypes, question them and understand Naga people and their rich culture in newer forms. I hope to visit the lovely place sometime again!
Anushree Nair
TYBA Psychology
First and foremost, I am grateful to the K&T Foundation, Sophia College, and KROS College for organizing a platform like the Solidarity Student Exchange Programme by providing us with the golden opportunity to interact with different culture and have first-hand experience of cross-cultural exchange, as well as the opportunity to learn and gain knowledge about vast things that will be with me forever and that I will cherish. Now that I think about it, the itinerary that was given for us was not so tightly scheduled; if it had not been that way, perhaps I would not have had the advantage to have such fruitful sessions and discussions with some great personalities. This entire week was wholesome in every aspect, and the people who were a part of it made it even better. From day one to day eight, I never considered whether something more or less could have been done. I was astounded by the amount of effort, love, and warmth that our partner college (KROS College) put into each activity or day that they prepared for us. I am overjoyed to see this young college, as they call themselves, growing so beautifully and fast. With their hospitality, talent, and passion, KROS faculty and students have tremendously inspired me. Every day and every activity that was arranged for us was fantastic. It was a pleasure to hear Theja and Mr. Nakhro's perspectives on music as an art form and industry. The visit to the Mental Health Institute was an excellent learning experience, and the fact that it was my first field visit made it even more memorable. It was fascinating to learn about Nagaland's rich history and culture from our guide, and visits to the museum, cemetery, Kisama, and Khonoma village were enhanced by his knowledge and presence. After seeing the Seithogei Living School and the work they have done that shows sustainability, adaptability, and resilience, I was in awe. I think the words would fall short in covering every aspect of this exchange and sharing my experience of every visit and people I met, whether the visit to the orphanage or the directorate of industry and commerce and TEA. I'm filled with emotions as I write this testimony. I am thankful for all of our Host's efforts in order to make our stay as comfortable as it could have been and the cooking session, he prepared for us. I'm also thankful to Mr. Allan for serving as our resource and for being patient and kind to us. I know in my heart that I will never forget what I learned from the people I encountered in Nagaland; they shaped my attitude and thinking in some way. Nagaland will always have a special place in my heart.
Pratishtha Bhardwaj
TYBA Psychology
My time in Nagaland was nothing short of paradise. So enriching and amusing at the same time, it was everything and even more than what I could have imagined and have asked for. All thanks to the Dr. K & T Foundation as well as KROS College and all the other people that hosted us for that. Every meeting and every visit exposed us to a new facet of life and culture in Nagaland. This trip's sights and memories will live on in my heart and mind forever. The great warmth with which we were greeted everywhere, but especially at KROS college. I will dearly miss the smiling faces of the teachers as well as the students there. Our chat with Mr. Theja and Mr. Nakhro gave me so much, not just about the music and art scene but also about how grounded these things are with the people here. Their emphasis on the equality of opportunity was truly inspiring. As an economics student, my interactions with Ms. Theunuo at the Directorate of Industries and Commerce as well as the team of The Entrepreneurs’ Association (TEA) were very intriguing. They gave me insights about the start-up environment, informal economy and the general access to other economic instruments here. Meeting Dr. Keditsu and listening to her speak about the mekhelas struck a chord with me. The passion in which she narrated tales from different tribes and how they transcribed on the mekhelas was extremely moving. Nagaland’s exceptional landscape, not just in terms of its geographical terrain, but its culture, entertainment domain, economic environment, political infrastructure and also just general way of being, not only taught me a lot but also raised a multitude of questions for me. It is with the most gratitude and pleasure that I can say that every person that I met did their utmost to try to answer these questions. Can’t wait to go back!
Aadrika Shukla
TYBA Economics


As I sit here, writing this speech at 9:21am this Saturday Morning as we get into our car 21 minutes late (yet again), while Mr. Allen patiently waits for us and immediately gets out of the car to let us in and greets us with his "Good Morning", I feel an overwhelming surge of emotions. We drive through the small town streets of Kohima, perhaps once again for the last time during this trip and I am relishing the sights. The sight of beautiful mothers carrying their babies on their backs, the sight of the local street vendors smiling at one another, the sight of Bihari's and Naga's intermingling, the sight of the scenic mountains when suddenly I am interrupted by a ray of sunlight that peeps in through the windows of the car, hitting my face as I bask in that warmth and I think to myself.. this is it! A journey of 8 days is now coming to an end. An experience of a life time is slowly turning into a heart full of memories and I am not ready to bid my good bye's! So let's digress a little and start from the very beginning. A quick thank you to my family - my parents and my sister for being who they are and bringing me up the way that they did. A young girl who decided to leave home at the age of 19 amidst a global crisis in 2021 to the city of dreams in search of opportunities was and continues to be unconditionally supported in all her ventures. I have known to grab every opportunity that comes my way from them. "Opportunities" brings me to an Institution I find myself continually getting attached to "Sophia College". The SSEP is one among the many many avenues of opportunity that Sophia has given me in the past 3 years and I will forever be indebted and grateful to Sophia and all of its wonderful people, especially the Dept. Of History and Sangeeta ma'am of course, for accompanying us and extending her care towards us on this trip. Extension brings me to the organization - "Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation". This Exchange program is nothing but an extension of the vast multitude of projects that the organization undertakes but I cannot stress enough on how grateful I feel to have been part of this cultural exchange. The foundation to me is a reflection of the people I've met here - Dynamic, passionate, warm and rooted! This cultural exchange is an opportunity of a lifetime and I cannot thank you enough for the lives that you have influenced and will continue to. The itinerary was not just extremely detailed but also personalised. I truly hope that these exchanges continue and the organisation branches out and I would more than love to be part of the same in any way that I possibly can be. I'm sure all of us are going to find it hard to bid our goodbyes to a place we called home or more so heaven - Medom's B&B. A place straight out of Pinterest - a place that's so modern yet rooted. Thank you to Dr. Kenny and the entire team of the B&B for taking such good care of us. I know I can speak for all of us when I say that cooking with Dr. Kenny and learning about the indigenous food was one of our favouritest activities this time around. While filling out our feedback form, I knew one thing instantly - every interaction of ours with our host college "KROS" was DEFINITELY going to be an Excellent one. I will never be able to think of Nagaland and not think of the KROSians. I will never be able to think of humility and not think of every individual we met at the college from the chairman who was perhaps the cutest person I've met on this trip, to all of the faculty and support staff at the college. We'd walk by corridors and be greeted with a very warm smile and a "Good morning" and with all of the "Bhaaga Daudi" in Mumbai, this gesture of kindness hit home. In fact, this is something that happened a lot on the streets as well. People don't just walk past you; they SEE you. The students at KROS were so interactive, it took almost no time for us to feel like we were at home. Every minute spent at KROS was productive - qualitatively and quantitatively. It will take me time to process how overwhelming (in a good way) this trip has been but what I know is that KROS college has a part of me, and I have a part of them. To trace back to some of the very many learning experiences… The interaction with Mr. Theja and Mr. Nakhro created an atmosphere of constructive conversation and left me feeling inspired and passionate to do whatever I wanted to pursue and needless to say, the urge to come back to Nagaland for the Hornbill Festival was definitely felt! The visit to the State Mental Health Institute left me thinking about where Mental Health has reached and the journey that it is yet to embark on. The selflessness and encouragement of the staff are qualities I wish to carry with me. While I thought that the visit to the Directorate of Industries and Commerce would leave me feeling out of place, in turn it instigated a lot of curiosity in me. The session with Mekhla Mama has me at a loss for words. If Passion was a human being it would be her. Its oration was a weapon she'd win the battle. Thank you so much for sharing your stories and wisdom with us. The visit to Kisama and the WW II museums and cemetery brought us closer to the history and culture of Nagaland and inspired a series of emotions. The visit to the living school, orphanage and EA are experiences that have helped me grow and learn. Mr. Dominic said earlier today that it is a common saying in the Nagas that anyone who has seen the sun before you, must be respected and is in some way elder and superior. The sun rises in the east so perhaps that is why, Kohima to me, you are much wiser than us City people. So, yes, it's time to say Goodbye, but it's also time to say Hello. I stand here saying goodbye to the preconceived notions, stereotypes and beliefs of the Northeast and Nagaland. And I stand here saying Hello to a new state visited, hello to new memories made, hello to a new culture learnt, hello to new friends made, hello to new and great food, hello to perspective, hello to inspiration, hello to empathy and hello to a better version of me. Nagaland 2023, you will always ALWAYS be remembered.
Ms Jayasmruti Parthasarathy

SSEP 2020

Without exaggerating, the time that I have spent in Nagaland from 9th Feb to 15th Feb 2020, if I were given the choice of exchanging it with gold and silver, I would not do it. Because what I have got from this trip are memories of a lifetime and valuable lessons that are far more precious than any noble metal. I thank my college for selecting me to be a part of such an esteemed program and making the best arrangements for us. Thanks to Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation, firstly for giving us this wonderful opportunity, for welcoming us with so much warmth and love and for making sure we had a nonpareil time of our lives. I couldn’t thank more for all that was done for us. From meeting big personalities of Nagaland and learning from their hardships and struggle, to visiting villages of Kohima and learning their culture and how each color, symbol and activity holds such a strong meaning, has struck a chord of modesty in me and made me humble. All the sessions that we had in Nagaland educated me with first-hand knowledge and helped me discard the thought of uncertainty with the dreams that I had for my career. As an aspiring entrepreneur and an undergrad research student I got abundance of counseling and ideas to carry with me back to my home city. The weather was cold, but the love and hospitality of people there kept me warm. I became the one with first-hand experience of Naga culture and its people. Thus, now I can boastfully share the best that I got from Nagaland with the world.
Safina Mobin Qureshi, SYBSc
Being selected for SSEP was almost like a dream come true. I want to thank the Almighty for giving me such an opportunity and Sophia College who gave us this platform to improve, learn, explore and to develop confidence. Special thanks to the K and T Foundation, Kohima Science College and Sir Allan who made our trip comfortable and easy and also to the students of Kohima Science College with whom I share a great bond. Everything was so beautiful and memorable from my first journey by air to the calm nature of Nagaland. I was so amazed with their hospitality, welcoming nature, rich culture and traditions. The most exciting part of the trip was the trek to Pulebadze. I am going to cherish each and every moment. Visiting the villages and interaction with Mr. Theja Meru (advisor TaFMA), Mr. Humstoe (founder of ETE coffee) made me discover the world beyond college. Most of all, I wish to thank my Mother whose silent and constant prayers are always with me!
Hasnat Khan, SYBSc
India has many states, each state has its own unique culture and tradition. Sophia College for Women and Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation gave me an opportunity to share my Maharashtrian culture with people of Nagaland. People there are very friendly and welcoming. I got to learn about their culture and history, made memorable moments and new friends whom I will remember for life. This programme has had a huge impact on my education and career decision as it provided insight into research as well as entrepreneurship. After visiting and interacting with people of Nagaland it feels like the cultural barrier which was there has been broken now. I will cherish these memories of Nagaland and its people all my life. I would like to thank everyone involved in this excursion programme.
Sakshi Rahul Bhagat, SYBSc
First of all, I would like to thank Sophia college for giving me this wonderful opportunity to be a part of Solidarity Student's Exchange Programme. This programme has greatly impacted my life. It was truly an enriching experience. The 'Naga culture' has touched my heart and taught me that everybody should be in-tune with one's culture and tradition. Being a Science student, particularly the visit conducted to the Directorate of IT and Science has given me a different perspective on available opportunities. I am really looking forward to do collaborative research in Nagaland. Extending my heartfelt gratitude to the Dr K & T Keditsu Foundation for organizing this program and providing such an opportunity to me and all the staff and students of Kohima Science college for hosting us with their open heart. I will be forever grateful for everyone's generosity.
Pranali Anil Singh, SYBSc
First of all, I'd like to thank Sophia College and K & T Keditsu Foundation for giving me the opportunity to represent Maharashtra and its culture in Nagaland. The trip to Nagaland was a life changing experience. The beauty of the place, people, food, history and the diversity in the tribes in just 1 state is fascinating and enlightening. The way of living in Kohima is so simplified, calm and peaceful that, being from Mumbai, I felt I've entered a new world. This trip has changed my perception towards all the aspects in life and how it is necessary for an individual to give back to the community. The bonding I felt with my friends in Kohima Science College is a feeling I can't explain and I'm grateful for having them. I would also like to thank Mr. Allan for taking us everywhere on the allotted schedule
Parul R. Kanojia, SYBsc
My personal experience in Nagaland was filled with lots of adventures and explorations. The itinerary comprised of interactions with entrepreneurs, musicians, successful people who achieved something in life by giving employment to others. These interactions made me realize that one should think about others in the course of obtaining success. The trip to Kohima Science college broadened our minds in terms of research and education. It was a comfortable stay and journey along with delicious food. I will always cherish these memories all my life. Lastly, I want to thank Sophia College (Autonomous) and Dr. K &T Keditsu foundation for giving us this opportunity.
Aiswarya Puzhangara Jainraj, SYBSc
I had been on a cultural exchange visit to Nagaland from 9th February-16th February, 2020. It was like a life changing experience. I would really thank Sophia College and Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation for giving me such a golden opportunity. Nagas are very attached to nature. All the food crops are grown organically. Women have a good dressing and make up sense. I really liked their comfortable clothing style. I got to know a lot about Naga traditions, culture, food and beliefs. The village homes are naturally comfortable. They are hardworking and very fond of their home land. Each tribe is special and unique in their own way. The visit broadened my ideas about culture and academics. Overall, it was a good experience and I got to carry fond memories of the friendly, loving, kind and humble people of Nagaland.
Renee Shetty, SYBSc
As I pause to pen down my words, I remember the love and humility of the people of Nagaland. Torn between finding more meaning in what I do and trying to do things that I love, the visit to Nagaland was more of a soul-searching experience for me. The program was a perfect blend of academics and culture enriching both intellectually and emotionally, providing meaningful insights into contemporary methods in teaching and research. Hats off to all those who made it possible.
Ms Rochelle Ferns
Assistant professor Dept. of Chemistry Sophia College (Autonomous), Mumbai
Nagaland! Some time ago, this eastern state of India was just another state of our country. Today, it has taken a place close to the heart of the entire Sophia College team that visited Nagaland as a part of the Solidarity Student Exchange Programme, 2019-20. On behalf of the entire team, I wish to thank our Principal, Dr. (Sr.) Ananda Amritmahal, Vice Principal Dr. Yasmin Khan, the Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation, and Ms. Pooja Kamath, Indian National Fellowship Centre (INFC) for this joint venture. Personally, I have been struck by the vibrant diversity of culture that exists as well as the disciplined life, hospitality and friendly nature of the people and their efforts to sustain their culture in every form. People, here are well educated, committed to the upliftment of the rural masses and are devoted to generating sustainable and environment friendly businesses for them. Respect nature while on life’s journey is the biggest lesson I take.
Ms. Rajbinder Kaur Dehiya
Associate Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, Sophia College (Autonomous), Mumbai

SSEP 2019

My solidarity cultural exchange programme trip to Nagaland, through my college, Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Mumbai, Maharashtra organised by the Dr. K & T Keditsu foundation,Kohima and the Indian National Fellowship Centre, Mumbai impacted my life more than anything has ever has before. This programme exceeded every expectations I had. It was especially rewarding as it allowed a broad range of brotherhood between two states and extreme unity amongst ourselves towards our country. I learnt new traditions by visiting the villages, and also witness the panoramic view of nature. I saw the welcoming nature of the people, who were excited to know about my culture. We exchanged our thoughts and views through interactive sessions with many influential people and the students of Baptist College Kohima. My experience to Nagaland is a benchmark in my memory and has helped me in the development of my thinking and personality, moreover it has helped me in knowing myself. I thank the organisers and all the people indulged in making this programme successful.
Diana Fernandes
The Student’s Exchange Program at Kohima, Nagaland has been a truly enriching experience and expanded my knowledge and network from an academic perspective. I couldn’t be more grateful to my college as well as K & T Keditsu Foundation and Indian national fellowship center Mumbai for this unique opportunity to learn in such a stimulating environment. What I personally loved the most were the interaction sessions with Mr. Theja Meru, Mr. Changsu, our Naga friends of Baptist College, and the Naga Women Professionals. Nagaland is a Nature rich great place and Nagas are so pure, real and innocent as nature.
Uttara Nigudkar
We have 29 states and 7 union territories. Each states has its own culture, tradition, norms etc. Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation, and the Indian National Fellowship Centre ,Mumbai gave me an opportunity to exchange my maharashtrian culture with the people of Nagaland, which had made an impact on my life. I have learned about the Naga culture, tribes, history, and the people. The interactive sessions with "Naga Women Professionals " has influenced me to become an independent , strong and influential women. I have made unforgettable memories with the people of Nagaland. Thank you Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Baptist College, Dr. K & T Keditsu foundation and INFC, Mumbai ,Maharashtra for making this Cultural Exchange Programme successful and giving me an opportunity to have this wonderful experience.
Komal Thakur
Responding to the call of the Governor of Nagaland, P. B. Acharya, Indian National Fellowship Centre (INFC) and Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation has taken up the task to arrange the cultural exchange program between students of North East State (Nagaland) & Mumbai. Through my college, Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, I got the opportunity to visit Nagaland for the cultural exchange programme. Being part of this program taught me how to live and know the culture of the people I have never met before. This experience changed my life completely. I have learned a lot of new things about myself, on to how to maintain a good relationship with new people. They have become my second family and friends and will always be in my heart. I have created new bonds and learned more than I could ever imagine. In short the Solidarity Student Exchange Programme is a turning point of my life. I am very thankful to Dr. K&T Keditsu Foundation, Indian National Fellowship Centre, Guru Nanak Khalsa College and Miss Pooja Kamath.
Vidula Vikas Pawar
I have been to Nagaland (Kohima) for 8 days & it was my first experience travelling by flight. Nagaland is a wonderful place surrounded with kind hearted people on one side and a beautiful forest, mountain hills on the other. We visited many villages, enjoyed the Sekrenyi festival and interacted with local naga people: the Naga professional womens, Mr. Theja Meru, Naga Chef Changsu, who inspired me. We had delicious and scrumptious meals every day. SSEP brings the east & west part of india together & it should be maintained for lifelong. On behalf of our entire team and professor, I want to thank Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation, Indian National Fellowship Centre, Baptist College Kohima Nagaland for giving us this golden opportunity. Last but not the least I thank the 8 girls of Baptist College Kohima who warmly welcomed us. Big thanks to Abhigail and Neikhonuo's family for the delicious food they made for us, Mr Allan Lyngdoh Sir and Miss Yingli Ma’am who cooperated with us in our up's and down's during this week.
Poonam Rane
The cultural exchange programme through my college, Guru Nanak Khalsa College Mumbai, Maharashtra organised by the Dr. K & T Keditsu foundation Kohima and the National Fellowship Centre, Maharashtra changed my life and gave me a turning point. This solidarity program was a great chance to discover myself. It taught me many things that will help me for my future as well as my education. The loving people interactions, and way of living taught me life lessons. My overall experience in Nagaland has taught me to love and to value the richness of hearts of the people. These memories will last forever.
Sanjana Warang
This opportunity and learning experience has had a great impact on me, thanks to my college Guru Nanak Khalsa college, Dr. K & T Keditsu foundation and many other people. Through this cultural exchange program I came to know about the Naga people and their culture such as folk dance, folk music, dressing styles, food habits etc. The nature surrounding us was so mesmerising and gave me peacefulness of mind. Through this program I learned that Naga people are kind hearted, polite, and friendly. It was one of the best experiences of my life and has helped me develop my thinking process. Through the interactive sessions, we exchanged our thoughts, culture, and values. Meeting with professional Naga women and listening to their stories, how they struggled and became successful, had a great impact on me. This cultural exchange program helped me to explore, experience and learn about things which are really important in life.
Komal Vishwakarma
Respected Trustees of Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation, Principal, teachers and students of Baptist College and Indian National Fellowship Center, I cannot thank you enough for giving us the opportunity to learn about Nagaland and experience it's culture so closely. The eight days spent in your state will always be cherished. I am a completely different person now. My confidence and self esteem have reached a level from where it cannot be pulled down. I have always been an introvert and this program has worked wonders for me in helping me make friends and putting myself out there. All the interactions that we had were so motivating and each and every person that we met had so much to offer. I have learnt to share my views and opinions without any hesitation. I have learnt to be independent as a woman and have learnt that this world is an amazing and beautiful place. I will miss my new friends and the times that I spent with them as remembering about those moments brings a smile on my face. Thank you again and if fated, all of us will stay in touch.
Meghna Medar
First of all, I'd like to thank the organisers for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this Solidary Students Exchange Program, hosted by Sophia's College Mumbai. My first flight experience was indeed very beautiful. I personally made some wonderful friendships which I believe would be for a lifetime. Visits to various places such as the prestigious TIFR (Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research), Keshav Shristi, Nehru Planetarium, various research activities within the college itself etc., have widened my vision to aim higher to a whole new level. I was amazed by how our hosts acknowledged our culture and religion and showed immense interest to know more. I would like to state that "every culture, religion and tradition must be acknowledged and the human mind be broadened, because at the end of the day, it's all about humanity". I believe that being part of this exchange program is one of the greatest blessings Ihave encountered. A big "Thank You" to Dr. K&T Keditsu Foundation, INFC, the administrators, lecturers students of Sophia's College, Kohima Science college and every individual who have helped us move so much forward.
Watikumla Jamir
This program has widened my horizon. It has made me believe that financial constraint should not be an excuse; it should never limit our our wings to fly in pursuit of success. I have learned that hard work with a vision can put us in a place where even our minds have not wandered. The experiences I encountered in the program has made me bolder than before. It has build up my self-confidence. The visit to Mumbai has also made me appreciate my roots more than ever. It has broken the cultural barrier that lies between mainland India and Northeast India. Hence, the program has allowed me to embrace the cultural diversity and celebrate the diversity of India.
Yungmei Kuhmeishu
I am humbled and honoured for this opportunity, thanks to Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation! This program was one of the most exciting and eye opening experiences for me. It opened my shell and broadened my concept of education and life. One thing I observed was the enthusiasm and seriousness of the students in Sophia College; they were extremely well informed about their major subject as well as their state. We Nagas need to steps up and raise our standards, gather information on anything and everything, be passionate about one’s field of study and dream without any fear, and choose a profession that one finds joy in and not merely a profession for “work” I believe that’s where the real happiness and success lies. This initiative has made me realise that the strongest women are independent, believe in themselves, support and empower each other without jealousy. I believe every woman has a fire within herself; the only need is to ignite it with faithfulness, fearless and flexibility and that’s where the path to freedom flourishes!
Going on exchange programme is every student's dream. I didn't think it was possible for me because of how much everything would cost but I'm fortunate that my sponsor Dr K &T Keditsu foundation did everything in making this programme reality,I'm forever grateful for their generosity and Love. During my exchange programme from 8 to 15 of sept 2019 to Mumbai, I've learnt about myself in many ways. I would never do if i hadn't stepped out of my comfort zone. It was scary and made me nervous to do that but i didn't regret it because coming here was a hard decision but I never had any doubts of how important it would be.The experiences I had and the bonds from while away from familiarity are unlike anything else I've ever experienced. The biggest way of being on exchange student impacted my life is through the people i met, it change the way i thought about myself and the World, improving my quality of life and even considering a big move.It was once in a lifetime experience that has positively impacted my life and Im so happy that I applied for the programme despite having many doubts in the beginning
N. Lenmie Angh
Firstly I reach out my heartful gratitude to Dr. K and T Keditsu foundation for organizing solidatory students exchange program and giving the opportunity to Kohima Science College students. One week time spent at Mumbai has helped me broader my mind and built my confidence. Its tentative scheduled visits to different fields have help to come out of my comfort zone. Experiencing and learning the culture of outsiders is a challenging task, seing how the world is running and changing thus only the smartest and fittest and most hardworking will compete and survived the advanced world. Their kind gestures and hospitality towards us is a blessing. I believe this journey was a practical motivation to strife higher and work harder to dream bigger and aim higher to achieve my goals. Last but not the least I express my keen respect and love to the organizers.
Mulutolu shijoh
First of all i would like to thank our almighty God for giving me such a wonderful opportunity .A special thanks to Dr.K &T Keditsu Foundation and Indian National Fellowship Centre for giving me such a productive experience. My first thought when i was selected for this program was that i will get a chance to share about our college and our progressing state Nagaland which is growing hand-in-hand with its rich culture,ethics ,values and traditions.But,when i got there and started interacting with them ,i experienced a whole new world where people were so hardworking and dedicated also keeping in touch with their own Cultures and traditions. This program gave me the opportunity to open up to new ideas ,places ,people and gave me an experience of a lifetime which taught me to practically follow the things we do theoritically."A step has to be taken to take a leap and for me this was the leap i needed in life".
Narojungla Jamir
Getting the privilege to experience one-week trip to Mumbai was almost like a dream come true.Being selected as one of the eligible candidate for the SSEP programme has been of my biggest achievement n great blessings. These seven days has changed my perspective of life completely .It came to my realisation that I've been living in a tiny space of mine.I was amazed to see how hard they work to earn their living and cared less to sleep ,I should say they are at run while I'm still asleep.It gave me a lifetime experience of being in TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) learning about their researches and their progressions in science and technology.This experience has also given me valuable friends. With all these I've gained ,my mindset has changed and it helped me to broaden my horizons and think out of the box. Concluding,I thank God for helping me and my friends throughout this journey.Extending my gratitude to Keditsu Foundation for the opportunity given to eight of us and taking great care of us . Praise God.
Alino Kinny
This program helped me to clear out the misunderstandings I had towards other people's culture. It also helped me to learn more about our culture while preparing myself for this very program. I had a great misunderstandings regarding the purdah system followed by Muslims. I always thought they were complled but I came across a friend and she said that they loved to wear it and it's of different colours. Not just us but it also helped our friends from Mumbai to clear the otherwise ideas about Naga people and our culture. They had no ideas about we Naga rearing pigs and I was quite surprised. They have their own traditional food and it's of variety. And they have their own traditional way of eating it and I think that's the beauty of their culture. Mumbai is a very busy city. People there hardly got time for themselves and they are very hardworking. I actually met a friend who travels like 5 hrs a day to college and still managed to excel in their studies. They also value time and money a lot. They have got no patience even to wait for a minute. For them even a penny matters a lot and that's something that impacted me the most. I got to learn a lot from their lifestyle. Despite of all these, I made many beautiful souls and it's a long life friendship. At first I was excited to see Mumbai but actually I was excited and joyful when I spent time with them and that wasc the most beautiful thing to me. Also the idea of being independent helped me a lot. It helped me to be responsible, smart, punctual and most importantly to be respectful.
Neangmei L

SSEP 2018

The one-week program in Mumbai was a dream come true. Guru Nanak Khalsa College hosted us. The professors/lecturers and student volunteers accommodated us in such a way that I have no words to express my gratitude. I noticed differences in the educational system of Nagaland and Maharashtra. The student-teacher relation is very different; students at Khalsa College treat their teachers like parents and also a friend, which is not the case in Nagaland. Their educational system emphasizes not only on academic excellence, but also on co-curricular activities and social work. I was impressed with the college library, which had over 10,000 books.
Abigail Thurr
My experience on SSEP to Mumbai was the best week of my life. Every thing I saw and experienced has changed me. I would like to thank Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation without whom there will be no such program. I am really indebted to them for their generosity, and for the golden opportunity for me to learn at free of cost. This program gave me courage and a feeling of independence. Meeting the other seven girls from different tribes in this program and strengthened our friendship. My airport and first flight experience was overwhelming. Visiting the temples of different religion and seeing their ways of worship has strengthened my faith
Neikhonuo Zhünyü
Through this programme, I learned about the Maharashtra culture, tradition and way of living. We attended lectures, visited the small scale industries, the Lijjat Patnika company, and visited heritage buildings. We interacted with the Rotaract club; their service to society inspired me. My experience in Mumbai was not just having fun but a true learning process. This programme has motivated me to work harder, to manage my time and to be more efficient. It was great opportunity, which has widened my knowledge and shaped me to think differently. I will cherish these memories forever.
O. Ngamching
This Solitary Students Exchange Program organized by Dr. K&T Keditsu Foundation has been a great learning experience for me, and also my fellow students. It gave us a platform to improve ourselves and also promote our culture to other regions. I will cherish what this program has given to me and ever remain grateful to everyone related to this program.
Chiam . S
This programme has been a journey of self-discovery and personal growth filled with unforgettable memories. I realized I can do so much more than I ever thought was possible. Seeing true diversity, lifestyles, distinctive cultures, learning new language, meeting new talented people while helping them and imparting knowledge about my home, my people and my culture, this program has been a life changing experience. It has also made me explore different religions, practices and beliefs making me more tolerant. Not forgetting all individuals and organizations that have made this dream come true, I am forever indebted.
Limeka K Yepthomi
This one-week journey has transformed my thinking and lifestyle. It has given me a new chapter in my life. I am proud to say that I am more determined and a strong and new person now. Through the new relations that I have made I learnt that good relationships are made through hearts but not by blood. This journey to Mumbai has helped me find new friends, lessons and experience. The hard work of students at Guru Nanak Khalsa College not only during college hours, but part time jobs after college to earn some pocket money has really inspired me to work for my own, and stand on my own feet, to be an independent woman.
Yangtalila. Y
The Solidarity Students Exchange Programme has made me realize that we learn more by observing. It was my first time outside Nagaland and with this exposure I look at the world in a broader sense. My experience in this program has given me the desire to seek more knowledge and to spread the message to preserve our rich tradition. I am grateful for the opportunity. It has encouraged me to never stop learning.
Nymen N
The most inspiring activity was my visit to the Lijjat Papad women institution, a self-employment institution for women. I learned about the strength of women. Since I am from a commerce background, their successful stories taught me that in business everyone starts from a humble beginning. This cultural exchange program highlights the unity between two different states, and the objective of promoting effective learning and adaptation towards having a better relationship.“ Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend. Whether it’s at college or with strangers. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored”.
Myingthunglo Y. Lotha

SSEP 2017

The SSEP to Mumbai was a great opportunity for me to go out of my home. Mumbai is one of the biggest cities in India, a city that never sleeps, completely different from Nagaland. I learned a lot about Maharashtra and their rich culture. Getting an opportunity to see the world outside Nagaland has expanded my knowledge, which I will carry throughout my life.
Thejaphrenuo Rülho
Being selected for the SSEP has been one of the best and most wonderful experiences of my life! Everything was new for me. My first journey on a plane was amazing and adventurous. City life was completely different: the way people manage their time and utilize available resources must be the reason behind their success. Amongst the various activities during this nine-day program, I benefitted the most from the seminar on skill development. It taught me that self-confidence is an important part of life.
Visiting Mumbai city was one of the best experiences of my life. The Solidarity Students Exchange Programme has opened my eyes; it taught me that living in my comfort zone will not help me learn anything even if I have all the required qualifications. We need to go out and see, learn the good things and practice them. We had several workshops such as making small handicrafts, which encouraged me to start my own business. We visited villages in Maharashtra and I was touched by how they helped the needy.
Temjennaro Longchar
I never thought I would be selected for the Solidarity Students Exchange Program to Mumbai, but good things come unexpectedly and I cannot express how grateful I am to the organizers for this opportunity. This was my first time outside Nagaland. Through my interaction with the students of Sathaye College. Mumbai, and their families, I have seen the joy of living! I had the opportunity to see the big divide between the rich and poor when we visited the rural areas of Maharashtra. The village shelters were in a horrible unhygienic condition and the children were going to school bare feet.
Accompanied by students of Sathaye College, we visited different places like the Gateway of India, Elephanta caves, Air Traffic Control (ATC) tower and a local bakery. I was overwhelmed by how hard working, friendly and kind the people in Mumbai were. The SSEP has taught me about life, people, culture, and I will carry the experience with me throughout my life. This program has made me a new person and inspired me to become a better person.
The SSEP was a wonderful experience that allowed me to make friends with strangers completely different from Naga society and culture. What really touched me was a seminar on “Building Self Confidence” by Professor Shannon and his words “we are not born with confidence. It is something that anyone can develop. Confidence is something we create within ourselves by believing in who we are”. I learned not to compare myself with anyone. It was an amazing journey that I will cherish forever.
To be selected for the Solidarity Students Exchange Program to Sathaye College Mumbai has been the biggest achievement for me as a student so far. It was my first experience going outside Nagaland, not only travelling by flight, but also being independent and responsible for oneself throughout the journey. During this brief period, I developed many positive qualities like conducting myself appropriately in public, adapting to new things with ease, being game for whatever lies ahead. I discovered things I didn’t know about myself. We attended many workshops where we learned the Lizim dance of Maharashtra, Rangoli, Mehendi, and other artwork of the Maharashtrian culture. One of the most important things I learned was time management. From this program, I now have hope and mission for my future and my career.
Rubica Y. Kiho
I couldn’t believe it when I got selected to go to Mumbai; it was a dream come true. I was overwhelmed to be greeted so warmly at the airport by teachers and students of Sathaye College, Mumbai. I learned that Mumbai city is alive and there is so much love in it. I saw monuments and landmarks that I had only read about in textbooks like ‘David Sassoon Library’ established in 1847, the ‘Army and Navy Building’ still standing very beautifully, the Elephanta Caves, and Juhu Beach to name a few. I have learned to think in a broader way after visiting Mumbai. I thank the organizers and all supporting partners of the SSEP for their effort, their sponsorship, and their time for the success of this program.
Adonu Khamo